Cooking demo by Uncle help those of us whose extent in cooking abilities is to cook maggi mee and fry an egg! (like me...^^)
Cantonese Fried Chickeningredients:5 chicken thighs (deboned)
seasoning:1/2 TBspoon sesame oil
1/2 TBspoon pepper
1 TBspoon sugar
3/4 TBspoon of salt
2 TBspoon chinese wine
1/2 cup of oil for deep fry
method:1) Mix seasoning well.
2) Put in the chicken thigh to marinate for 1/2 hour
3) Deep fry marinated chicken in moderate hot oil until golden brown
4) Remove from heat, drain well, serve hot
5) Throw a party!
hello! O.o hmm...a stick in a pot?!? eh...whats this?? O.o taa-daa!